Support on Campus 
Student Services will be able to provide support for victim/survivors of rape, sexual assault and harassment. The support we provide will be person centered and non-judgmental.  We will listen, provide information and support you to make the decisions that are best for you. We will be able to:
  • Help you understand relationship abuse and what has happened to you
  • Provide counselling support
  • Provide wellbeing support and information
  • Provide information about your rights and additional supports available
  • Liaise with your programme, PAT and accommodation if needed
You can make an appointment with us by emailing student services, and/or
QMU have a partnership with Rape Crisis called the Student Survivor Project. This project supports students who have experienced rape, sexual assault and harassment and referrals are made through student services to a Rape Crisis support worker who works on campus.

Additional Support and Advice Rape and Sexual Assault

SARC The sexual assault self-referral phone service can refer you to a local healthcare professional at a sexual assault response co-ordination service (SARCS). You can self refer to the SARC and they can give you an examination to check you for injury but also collect evidence and store this for you if you are not sure if you want to go to the police. After you phone, the healthcare professional at the SARCS will phone you back to discuss and arrange your care. To call dial 0800 148 88 88 You can find out more on their website 
Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline 
Rape Crisis Scotland’s national helpline on 08088 010302 (freephone, 6pm – midnight every day). The helpline also have a text option 07537 410 027 (6pm – midnight) 
Deaf access service every Tuesday 1.30pm – 5pm.   
LGBTI specific service from 7pm to midnight Mondays and Thursdays  
Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre 
We offer support to anyone aged 13 and over, of any gender, affected by any form of sexual violence, no matter when or how it happened.  
To make an appointment, or to make a referral please call 0131 556 9437 
Outreach in East Lothian (ELSAS) 
Mobile and text 07800 604 164
Outreach in Midlothian (MSAS) 
Mobile and text 07860 774 503
Archway – Sexual Assault Referral Centre 
Archway support workers provide support for anyone affected by rape or sexual assault that have come through the Archway service. If you are unsure about whether you want report to the police but would like to have the option to report in the future you can travel to the Archway Sexual Assault Referral Centre in Glasgow for a forensic medical examination by a specialist female doctor/nurse. They’ll take forensic evidence and check for STIs. Archway is for anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted in the last 7 days aged 13 and over. If you are over the age of 16, you do not need to report to the police unless you want to.  
 Address: Sandyford Place, Glasgow G3 7NB  
Telephone: 0141 211 8175. 

Chalmers Sexual Health Centre 
NHS Lothian’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Service operates from the Chalmers Sexual Health Centre.​  
  • Emergency contraception 
  • Free condoms 
  • STI testing and treatment 
  • HIV including Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) 
  • Pregnancy testing 
  • Referral for termination of pregnancy 
  • Community gynaecology 
  • Menopause and Premenstrual syndrome 
  • Gay men's clinics 
  • Colposcopy 
  • Young people's clinics 
  • Advice on sexual problems 
  • Support following sexual assault 
Monday to Thursday 8.30 am – 8.00 pm 
Friday 8.30 am – 4.00 pm 
Booked appointments throughout the week. 
Walk-in 08.30 - 10am each morning. 
Phone: 0131-536 1070

Address: 2a Chalmers Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9ES 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened