Support on Campus 
Student Services will be able to provide support for victim/survivors of relationship abuse and coercive control. The support we provide will be person centered and non-judgmental.  We will listen, provide information and support you to make the decisions that are best for you. We will be able to:
  • Help you understand relationship abuse and what has happened to you
  • Provide counselling support
  • Provide wellbeing support and information
  • Provide information about your rights and additional supports available
  • Liaise with your programme, PAT and accommodation if needed
You can make an appointment with us by emailing student services or and/or

Additional Support and Advice on Relationship Abuse and Coercive Control 
Women’s Aid East and Midlothian (WAEML) 
A confidential service that provides valuable information, support and temporary accommodation to women and their children who have experienced domestic abuse. 
QMU have a relationship with WAEML and they will take referrals for students who are attend QMU irrespective if they are living in the local authority. Referrals can be made through a telephone call by a QMU staff or the survivor themselves. WAEML outreach workers are able to see the student at campus or the student can attend at their premises. 
WAEML are part of the local Marac and can support and facilitate referrals to the Marac and porting to the police. 
Service hours: Monday – Friday 9am–4pm. Contact details: Tel: 0131 561 5800 / Email: 

Shakti Women’s Aid 
Provides support to BME women, children, and young people experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse from a partner, ex-partner, and/ or other members of the household.  
FearFree domestic abuse service  
FearFree will support for any man (including trans men), anyone from the LGBT+ community (including, but not limited to, lesbian/bisexual women, gay/bisexual men, trans men/women, and gender non-binary people) 
Telephone: 0131 624 7270 /Email: 

Edinburgh Women’s Aid 
A confidential service for women and children who experience or have experienced domestic abuse providing information, support, advocacy and temporary accommodation. EWA will be able to provide a service for students living in Edinburgh. Referrals can be made via phone by QMU staff or by the student themselves.  
Service hours: Monday – Friday 9am–4pm. Contact details: Telephone: 0131 315 8110/ Email : 
Drop in service: 4 Cheyne Street, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, EH4 1JB Check website for times. 
For Women’s Aid services in any other area check Scottish Women’s Aid Website 
The National Domestic Abuse helpline and Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline  
Call 24/7 on 0800 027 1234 
There is a Silent call system in place with emergency services. If someone calls 999 and stays silent or taps on their phone they will be passed through to prompt and if keying in 55 that registers the call as a genuine emergency. 

Scottish Women’s Rights Centre  
Supports women aged 16 and over affected by violence and abuse through free legal and advocacy services. We offer helplines, surgeries, legal representation and help guides. 
Telephone: 08088 010 789  

Victim Support Scotland’s  
The criminal justice system can be confusing, and we can provide you with practical advice and information to make this process easier.  
Helpline: 0800 160 1985 (Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm) 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened