Who can make a report?

All students and staff at Queen Margaret University can make a report and choose to do this either anonymously or with information/contact details. 

What is the difference between the two types of reports - (report anonymously and report with contact details)? 

With anonymous reports, Queen Margaret University does not know who has made an anonymous report, and therefore cannot reach out and provide support and advice.   However,  information from an anonymous report is still very useful as it lets the University know something has happened, monitor trend analysis and target proactive education and awareness-raising events. 

If someone would like to receive support and advice as well as discuss their options related to  informal or formal reporting to address a concern, they should report with contact details.  When the person does this the adviser/administrator is able to see their QMU email address, this will allow an adviser to make direct contact with that person to initiate support. 

Who are the advisers that offer support and who will the information I disclose be shared with?

Student support is provided by trained advisers within our Student Services support team.  They will respond to your request for support promptly (within 3 days).  You will be given the choice to access support via face to face meeting or online using Microsoft Teams if that is your preference.  Depending on your circumstances we can also speak with you over the phone too. 

Staff support is provided through our Queen Margaret University HR department. 

The information you disclose will be maintained within our specialist team of advisers/support staff however,  if the report discloses information which suggests that the safety of yourself or another individual is at risk, the University may need to take further immediate action. 

If I name someone in the report, will they be told that I have done this? 

We would not take any further action without discussing it with you first.  However, if a formal investigation is launched under student conduct procedures or staff disciplinary procedures, the individuals cited would be informed and would be given a chance to respond. This is separate to the Report + Support process. 

 Is there a time limit on when  I can submit a report through Report and Support?

We would always recommend that you report an incident to the University at the earliest opportunity, when you feel best placed to do so.  If you would like action to be taken and an investigation to follow-up your report the sooner you report an incident the more likely evidence/accurate information is to be collated. 

Can I submit a report but later decide not to pursue it?
You can stop the process at any time.   You can also choose not to pursue the incident report but continue to access support from our trained advisers. 

Is Report + Support the only way I can raise an issue? 

No - you can raise an issue with your personal academic tutor (PAT) and/or academic staff member, student services support staff (wellbeing service and/or counselling service), or with your programme leader. 

If you are living in a University Halls of Residence you can raise issues with our Res Life Co-ordinator and/or a member of the Accommodation team.  We also have our Security staff on campus that you can speak with. 

You may also consider speaking with someone at our Students' Union. 

How will Queen Margaret University manage malicious complaints?

If a report is found to be malicious or vexatious, such reports will be addressed under existing student and staff procedures.

What do you do with the data gathered from advisor reports?

The data collected from Report + Support is used to produce anonymised annual reports. These reports would include the number of cases, most reported types of harassment and location.  No personal information  is present in these data reports. 

How secure is the data and information sent through the system and how long is this kept for?

Data held on Report + Support is GDPR compliant and further information about how data is collected and stored is outlined in the Privacy Notice. The system has been security tested by both the developer, Culture Shift, and by Queen Margaret University.  
We will keep records of reports one year from case closure on the Report + Support system as outlined in the Privacy Notice. All personal data will be kept according to the Records Retention Schedule.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened