Any form of harassment or hate crime is never okay and the Student Services at QMU will be able to support you as well as help you look at options for what to do. You can contact us on or

Some forms of harassment are considered a Hate Crime.  A hate incident or crime is any act of violence or hostility against a person or property that is motivated by hostility or prejudice towards a person due to a particular protected characteristic. The protected characteristics included in hate crime are: 
  • Race (including nationality, ethnicity and skin colour)
  • Religion
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Disability, including physical disability, learning disability and mental health difficutly
  • Transgender Identity

Why should I report Hate Crime

The vast majority of hate crimes are not reported. If we do not know about something, we cannot do anything about it and we cannot support you or make things change.
If you are not sure about what to do and want to discuss it with someone please contact Student Services and we will be able to support you and talk through your options or 

Here are some reasons why reporting is important
  • You may well put a stop to the behaviour
  • You will help the police and partners build a picture of the nature and extent of hate crime in your area
  • You will help the police and partners understand where their resources need to be focused
  • If you are a victim, you will get access to support and advice
  • You could prevent further incidents happening in the future
  • You could stop minor incidents escalating to more serious ones
  • You will raise awareness of the issue and lead to positive changes in your community
  • Your information may lead to an arrest or conviction

You can report through our Report and Support system here either anonymously or using your name. If you chose to do an anonymous report we cannot support you but if you use your name we can and we can also discuss with you what options are available to you and support you with what you need as well as support you to report to the police.

You should also consider reporting a hate crime to the police and you can do this anonymously, using your name but also as a third party.

If you want to report to the police you can do so by calling 101 or by going to your local police station. There is more information here for you if you want to know what happens after a report to the police.
To find out what happens after you have reported the incident where the accused is over 16, click here //

To find out what happens after you have reported the incident where the accused is under 16, click here //

If you want to report anonymously to the police using the online hate crime reporting form on the Police Scotland Website // or by calling Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111, or by contacting a Third Party Reporting Centre – //

For more information and external support see contacts and information page


There are two ways you can tell us what happened